For generations, the only publishing option available to would-be authors, was the traditional method of publishing, where you submitted your manuscript to one of the big publishers and hoped for the best. Modern technology has changed that paradigm. Now, anyone with a computer and an internet connection can successfully publish a acim audio, in a plethora of formats. And most surprisingly of all, especially for those who grew up linking publishing success with the big publishing houses, is the fact that bestsellers don’t have to originate in New York or London anymore.
o Independently published authors are selling millions of volumes each year – proving that creative thought can originate outside the walls of the BIG publishing houses.
o Books by independently published authors have earned their own recognition award: Independent Publisher Book Award.
o The success of electronically published books (ebooks), with millions in annual sales, have proven it is no longer necessary to print your book traditionally.
During the rise of independent publishers, the traditional publishing houses did everything they could to convince the world that their select few authors were the only people capable of telling (writing) a good story, or creating quality books. How arrogant! Certainly, we honor them for giving us some great reads through the centuries, but thanks to independent publishers, we are beginning to realize how limited the offerings were with the BIG houses.
Independent publishers have brought a breath of fresh air to the publishing world. Thanks to independent and niche publishers, the book world, which had been declining for years, is now rising like a phoenix from the ashes. A brief examination of sales data from the independent publishers, reveals what the problem was: the BIG houses were suffocating readers with their restrictive book categories and cookie-cutter ideas. (Visit my website to read my blog: How to Write a Bestseller – An Unexpected Plan That Might Surprise You)
Independent publishing has helped explode the book market. Books that were formerly rejected by the BIG houses, for the simple reason that their topic didn’t fit neatly into the existing categories, or traditional molds are selling millions of copies annually. And guess who wins? Every reader who loves great books, and every author who has a great story to tell, that’s who! Isn’t it good to breath again?