Free character non dual teachers lesson plans are the subject of much wishing by educators. It reminds me of the idiom: “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.” First recorded about 1628 in a collection of Scottish proverbs, that idiom suggests that if we could have what we want simply by wishing, our lives would be easy. It suggests, too, that wishing is useless; we are apt to get much better results with action. Free character education lesson plans may not appear magically beneath our saddles.
Free character education lesson plans do exist, and they do promise to make life easier for educators. Internet connectivity makes it possible for anyone to post hundreds of them in a few days. You must realize, though, that the free character education lesson plans you find may not be worth the cybernetic paper on which they are printed. You will probably get much better results by finding a quality program and investing necessary funds to purchase it.
You may believe a tight budget makes that impossible Your administrator may have insisted that you use only complimentary materials. You may be shut up to an Internet search for “freebies.”
If that is the case, you will want to search carefully. It will be essential to find qualified authors and qualified content.
Free character education lesson plans are of most value if authored by a qualified person. Teachers and administrators must consider the source. They must look, as it were, at the author’s credentials.
Let me give you an example of a guidance counselor offering free character education lesson plans. I’ll call her Meg. Assigned to teach classes in moral values, Meg panics. She is not trained to teach any classroom subject, let alone moral values. She has been a guidance counselor for only two years, and that has been taxing enough. Her own children’s poor behavior shows that her success in moral training is inadequate, at best. Nevertheless, she must teach what was assigned, and she has no budget for it.
Meg tackles responsibility as her first trait. She cobbles together a few of her own ideas on responsibility with a variety from Internet sources. Her presentation does not define responsibility accurately, but Meg decides it comes close enough. Meg makes no provision to assess current level of understanding regarding responsibility. She simply gives an oral presentation followed by discussion: students pooling their ignorance. Meg’s approach lacks memorable presentation, but Meg fails to recognize the need for such. She closes by tacking up a poster, and returns to her office – defeated.
Over the next months, Meg grinds her way through that strategy with traits such as respect, honesty, fairness, kindness, and trustworthiness. She feels more comfortable with her formula as time goes by and then – one bright morning – an idea hits her: